My Kylix Projects

  • Nokia Logo Converter for Linux (NLCL)

    1. -- 30.06.2003 UPDATE!! Finally the new release is out, version 0.9.8, and this time, it's for real ;-) I mean, it has improved so much, that I even had to put a new screenshot on this page... It's now almost complete and nearly bugs-free, only two important functions are not yet implemented: the up- and download of logos to and from the mobile phone, and the duplicates-check-function. All the rest is done and working. If you find any bugs or have any good ideas or recommendations what could be improved or added, please tell me!. One detail is important to mention here regarding the new release: all the files have changed in their prefix-name "bmptonlm", now all projects file have the prefix "nlcl" in their name (which makes much more sense ;-) But the installation is the same and the startup-script aswell, it only changed the name, now it's called "". More downwards on this page, you find the download link for the new 0.9.8 release.

      -- Update!! New version out: 0.9.1
      Just one important improvement: the startup script has been changed so that you can more easily install NLCL now. Look below in the installation instructions.

      -- Update!! New version out: 0.9
      Bugs fixed and batch convert mode added!

      Description of NLCL:

      This program is one of the very few existing programs for Linux that is capable of reading and writing almost all Nokia Logo Files (NLM, NOL). I wrote the first (working) version of it in four days, because I needed a program to convert NLM-files to BMP and vice-versa, and after a lot of work over the last months it grew from a simple converter to a comfortable manager program: you can scroll in a file box and it shows you in a preview all Nokia logo files or Bitmaps or JPEGs you click on. You may then immediately convert a Bitmap to any Nokia Logo File with one of the two existing sizes (operator logo or picture message) or vice-versa, convert a Nokia Logo to a Bitmap. You may also convert several files at once (batch mode), to do that, simply select multiple files in the file box and click on one of the two convert buttons (nokia to bitmap (which works fast), or bitmap to nokia (which is quite slow)). At the moment, the NGG-format (nokia group logo) isn't supported, but in future I'll include it again.
      Now (from release 0.9.8 on) NLCL has several new very useful functions, including standard file managing functions to allow you to easily manage your logos on your harddisk; and it is going to include, in the next release, a function to search for duplicate logos, and a comfortable way to download or upload your logos from and to your mobile phone (using gammu or mygnokii as a back-end).
      The program works fine as far as it has been tested by me and by everyone who helped me, especially Kilian Krause, who discovered several bugs, thanks a lot Kilian! (Danke!! :-)).
      If you find any bugs, or if you'd like to help me in testing the program or improving it or anything else, please tell me: Elias Jahn,

      Installation Instructions:

      -- Download the Tarball from here (290 KB, includes pre-compiled ready-to-run binary for Linux x86, the full source and Kylix project files, all licensed under the GPL, the startupscript and a TODO file.)
      -- Download the Kylix-Libraries needed to run a Kylix program (unless you already have them, in this case you don't need to download them but you'll have to edit the script and change the Line "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`" to the path where you've got your kylix-libs).(3 MB)
      -- Unpack these libraries in the same directory where you unpacked NLCL.
      -- In the same directory, just type "./" and hit ENTER.
      -- NLCL should be started correctly. Enjoy it!! :-))

      If it doesn't start, check the path and check the error messages. If you don't get it to work, send me a mail.
      -- NLCL seems to need the library to run. If you don't have this rather old lib anymore on your system and NLCL doesn't start and complain about missing this lib, then proceed as follows: just make a symlink called "" to your actual libstdc++-libc6 library (in many cases this will be "", so then you would do (as "root" and in /usr/lib): "ln -s").

  • UDFTool
  • --Yet to come....(it's (almost) finished, but not yet prepared to be here... (Yes guys, I know, you're wondering when it's going to be finally here, after such long time, but the simple reason is, I have so much to do, that I hardly find time to work on my programs, and in these times NLCL and sTaLMP3Box are the priorities... So UDFTool will have to wait... But ONE DAY it'll be here ;-)

    Check out aswell my great MP3Player-Jukebox-Project with LCD for Linux: sTaLMP3Box

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